Our year in review

A bit of a blurry picture of the CG&Bio lab + friends at the Christmas dinner
2018 was a great year for the CG&Bio lab! Overall, we:
-Celebrated the graduation of our first BSc student (Congratulations, Isaac!)
-Were joined by Diego, Paty, Estef and Kevin, who have been working on both computational and wet lab projects. Welcome!
-Published 7 papers/reviews/preprints either directed by our lab or in collaboration.
-Obtained one Fellowship (Newton Advanced Fellowship from the Academy of Medical Sciences, UK), two novel grant awards (Medical Research Council [UK] and UC Mexus [US/Mexico]), one Scholar Award (William Guy Forbeck Research Foundation, USA) and the renovation of our University grant (PAPIIT UNAM)
-Established novel national and international collaborations
-Gave several talks at both national and international events and attended international courses
Here’s to a successful and happy 2019. Bring it on!