We are still continuing our activities from home!

Screenshot from our last lab meeting, yesterday!
We are still working from home! It seems likely that we won’t be able to return to in-campus activities until next year, so we have adapted to work through Zoom and Slack! We have attended the 2020 AACR virtual Annual Meeting, participated in the 2020 virtual Genetics of Melanoma Consortium (GenoMEL) meeting, with Caro giving a talk on her PhD project, Daniela participating as guest in the new Your Digital Mentor podcast, and Christian and Daniela giving talks on their work for the BioScience App conference program. We are also meeting weekly and advancing our projects as much as possible.
Our PhD student Irving Simonin is also teaching a Bayesian statistics summer course to the wider LIIGH community, and we have been learning about conjugate models, Markov chain Monte Carlo and statistical software. We have also welcomed a new student, Rodolfo Arriaga, to do a virtual internship in our lab this semester.
We hope everyone is keeping safe to the extent of what’s possible during these difficult months, and hope that soon it becomes possible to meet our collaborators and friends in person again.

Caro Castañeda finishing her talk at the 2020 international GenoMEL meeting

Christian starting his talk at the 2020 BioScience App seminar series