Recent activity in the lab – Summer school, teaching and more!
It’s been a few busy weeks at the CGBioLab! We started with our 4th Summer School, where students from the 1st and 2nd semester of undergrad will join us for the following eight weeks. They come from different schools (Excellence School at Jalpan de Serra, Qro., Tec de Monterrey and LIIGH-UNAM in Querétaro City) and they will be learning different wet lab and bioinformatic skills. We really hope they enjoy and learn loads! This school has been possible thanks to our star senior technician Christian Molina and the generous support from PASPCR and Colgate-Palmolive. Thanks a lot!

Students attending the summer school!
We are also preparing to teach two summer courses, one for the EMBL Cancer Genomics and Transciptomics course, coming up next week, and another one on Ensembl for the SMBE Annual meeting coming up in July. Our PhD students Patricia Basurto, Kenya Contreras and Estef Vazquez will be participating and teachers as well!