Research Groups

Dr. María Ávila
Population and Evolutionary Genomics
We use population genomics to study the patterns of genetic variation of human populations in Mexico and use paleogenomics to understand how they have changed through time.
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Dr. Alejandra Medina Rivera
Regulatory genomics and bioinformatics
We design and develop bioinformatic approaches to unravel and study genomic regulatory mechanisms, aiming to identify genetic variants that could disrupt such mechanisms.
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Dr. Lucía Morales
Saccharomycotina yeast genome evolution
We use non-conventional Saccharomycotina yeasts to illustrate the action of the major evolutionary forces acting on eukaryotic genomes. Our current research relies on the study of interspecies yeast hybrids stabilization.
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Dr. Daniela Robles
Cancer genetics
We use bioinformatic analyses to study the impact that genetic variants found in different populations, including those from Latin America, have on cancer origin and development.
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Dr. Diego Ortega del Vecchyo
Computational Population Genetics
We develop and apply computational methods to infer past population history and to understand the impact of natural selection on patterns of genetic variation.
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Dra. Mariana Gómez Schiavón
Evolutionary Systems Biology
We combine tools from population genetics and systems biology to understand how the dynamic properties of gene regulatory circuits emerge, propagate and persist through natural selection. We aim to develop a quantitative theoretical framework that connects the dynamic regulation at molecular scale with its evolutionary patterns, identifying the underlying principles of the structure of gene regulatory circuits.
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Dra. Claudia Gonzaga Jauregui
Mendelian Genomics and Precision Health
We use genomic data and leverage family-based analyses to characterize and study the molecular causes of human genetic and genomic disorders and understand their mechanisms and pathophysiology. y vincularlo con su perfil en faculty and staff.
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Dr. Cristopher Van Hout
Statistical Genomics of Complex Disease
Our group focuses on population genomics and genetic epidemiology of founder and isolate populations, in particular Anabaptist populations. Also, we develop and apply statistical approaches to understand the impact of variation associated with complex traits and disease in large, unascertained studies.
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Dr. Sur Herrera Paredes
Ecology and Evolution
We study phenomena at the intersection of Ecology and Evolution. We use a combination of dry and wet lab approaches to understand how different ecological interactions shape the evolutionary process, and how those ecological interactions evolve.
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Dr. Federico Sánchez Quinto
Paleogenomics and Evolutionary Biology
We are interesting in using palegenomic data, in light of an interdisciplinary interpretation, to better understand the evolutionary history of multiple organisms that inhabited Mexico, including extinct megafauna, domesticated animals and human populations. We are particularly interested in addressing the adaptive, demographic and environmental factors and events that shaped their genetic variation through time.
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