QIA Alejandra Castillo Carbajal

QIA Alejandra Castillo Carbajal

Alejandra  is a chemical food engineer, graduated in 2012 from the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ). She has worked for at the Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Chemistry of UAQ, using traditional and molecular techniques for the identification of microorganisms. At LIIGH, she is collaborating with the development and innovation of genomics and molecular biology techniques.

Ing. Luis Alberto Aguilar

Ing. Luis Alberto Aguilar

Luis Alberto Aguilar earned his bachelor’s degree in computer engineering from UAQ. During his academic stay in the university he worked in several extracurricular activities, including the participation in the contest “Master the Mainframe” organized by IBM, besides being part of the editorial staff of two research journals edited by Mecamex, and the creation of...

Ing. Jair García

Ing. Jair García

He studied computer engineering at the Universidad Politécnica del Estado de Morelos. In March 2009 he joined the Computational Genomics Program from the Center of Genomic Sciences of UNAM where he participated in software development. He has collaborated as analyst, designer and programmer in several software projects. Some of the most relevant projects in which Jair García has participated...

Abigayl Hernández Jiménez

Abigayl Hernández Jiménez

Currently she is working at LIIGH UNAM Campus Juriquilla as Head of Administration performing activities such as national and international procurement and general administration of the Laboratory. She has more than 23 years of experience working in several departments as TV UNAM and Coordination of Administrative Services in Campus Juriquilla , where she performed functions...

Eglee Lomelín de Anda

Eglee Lomelín de Anda

Bachelor of Visual Arts with a major in Graphic Design from the Autonomous University of Queretaro. Her work has been featured in the area of publishing graphic design, as well as creating corporate identities for several companies in the state of Queretaro. Currently she performs as the academic assistant of Dr. Rafael Palacios. Equally she...

Dr. Rafael Palacios (2015 to date)

Dr. Rafael Palacios (2015 to date)

Rafael Palacios obtained the M.D. degree in 1969 from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM); and the Ph.D. degree in 1970 under the mentorship of Dr Guillermo Soberon (UNAM). He made a postdoctoral training in Stanford University with Dr Robert Schimke from 1971 to 1973. Since his return to Mexico he has worked in UNAM...

Dr. Guillermo Dávila

Dr. Guillermo Dávila

Guillermo Dávila is one of the senior researchers at the LIIGH. His past work was on the molecular biology of fungi; plasticity of the symbiotic genome of Rhizobium ; sequence an analysis of genomes, bacterial and phages, and transcriptomics in bacteria. Presently he is interested in genome structure and stability. He was one of the founders of the Genomic...

Dr Carlos Arámburo de la Hoz (2015 – 2016)

Dr Carlos Arámburo de la Hoz (2015 – 2016)

Carlos Arámburo de la Hoz received his PhD from the Faculty of Chemistry at the National University of Mexico and pursued postdoctoral work at Rutgers University. His area of expertise is neuroendocrinology. He is a researcher at the National University of Mexico and has taught in the Faculty of Sciences and the Institutes of Biomedical...

Dr. William Lee (2016 to date)

Dr. William Lee (2016 to date)

William Lee obteined his P.h. D. In Phisics in The University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. In 1998 he was incorporated as researcher at the Institute of Astronomy of UNAM, where he has olso served as Director. He has reacently been appointed as Coordinator of Scientific Research of UNAM by the current Rector Dr Enrique Graue...

Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony

The International Laboratory for Human Genome Research (LIIGH-UNAM) was inaugurated on April 8th, 2015. Presiding the opening ceremony were the Rector of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Dr. José Narro Robles; the Coordinator of Scientific Research at UNAM, Dr. Carlos Arámburo; the Coordinator of LIIGH, Dr Rafael Palacios; the President of Cold Spring...