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Alejandra Medina-Rivera, PhD
Principal Investigator of the laboratory
Alejandra obtained her Ph.D. in 2012 from the Biomedical Sciences Program at the National University of Mexico (UNAM), with a project developed under a cotutorship between Dr. Collado, at UNAM, and Dr. van Helden at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Since her Ph.D., she has been focused on developing bioinformatic tools, and strategies to study gene regulatory mechanisms, with special interest on the deleterious effect of mutations that affect such mechanisms.
MSc Karen Julia Nuñez Reza
Karen is a PhD student in the Biomedical Science Program of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. She obtained her Masters degree at the Instituto Potosino de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica with a project under the supervision of Dr. Irene Castaño.
MSc Ana Beatriz Villaseñor Altamirano
Ana got her Masters degree from the Instituto Politecnico Nacional at the CINVESTAV under the supervision of Dr. Guillermo Elizondo Azuela in collaboration with Dr. Paul Boutros at the OICR in Toronto. Ana is currently a PhD student in the Biomedical Science Program of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico in co-tutorship with Dr. Julio Collado Vides.
Gabriel Balsa Cantu
Gabriel is a bachelor student in the Technology program at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; he is currently working on his bachelor thesis project.
Walter Santana
Walter is a bachelor student in the Genomics program at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; he joined the laboratory to develop his 4th year research project.
Giovana Carrasco
Giovana joined the laboratory during her last year in the Technology bachelor program at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. She is currently doing a Masters at the University of Edinburg.

Laboratorio Internacional de Investigación
sobre el Genoma Humano
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,

Campus Juriquilla Blvd. Juriquilla 3001,
Juriquilla, 76230
Santiago de Querétaro, Qro. México
+52 55 5623 4331 ext.255
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