Dr. Cristopher Van Hout

Cris trained at the University of Michigan, graduating with a M.A. in statistics and Ph.D. in Human Genetics, and a thesis focused on the population genomics of the Old Order Amish of Pennsylvania. He took a postdoctoral position at Cornell University with research topics in applied statistical genetics in human and non-model organisms. Over the years, he has worked in industry with over a decade of experience in small biotech and large pharmaceutical companies with projects spanning molecular diagnostics to pre-clinical trial translational and analytical genetics. At the LIIGH, lab projects include two research areas. First, projects that leverage next generation sequencing to characterize and model the consequences of the unique demographic history of founder and isolate populations on genomic architecture and genetic epidemiology. Second, projects that develop and apply statistical and bioinformatic tools to leverage large, unascertained population based studies with next generation sequencing to better characterize the impact of variation in genes associated with common and rare disease.

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