On April 27, 2018 Kim Palacios Flores graduate summa cum laude from the Ph.D. Program of Biomedical Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Her Thesis Committee was formed by Drs. Guillermo Dávila (molecular biologist), Julio Collado (theoretical biologist) and Daniel Piñero (population geneticist). The dissertation Jury was integrated by Drs. Antonio Peña (cellular biologist), Guillermo Dávila (molecular biologist), Esperanza Martínez (microbial genomist), Jean Philippe Vielle (plant genomist) and Alfredo Varela (Neurobiologist). The Jury proposed her as a candidate to obtain the Alfonso Caso Medal, a most prestigious award that the University confers to the best Ph.D. thesis across the different Doctorate Programs. Her primary thesis paper entitled “ A Perfect Match Genomic Landscape Provides a Unified Framework for the Precise Detection of Variation in Natural and Synthetic Haploid Genomes” by Kim Palacios Flores, was published as an investigation article in the Highlights section of the Journal GENETICS and it was chosen to illustrate the cover of the corresponding issue of the Journal (April, 2018).