Teaching | Enseñanza

Statistical Model for Human Population Genomics

Modelos Estadísticos para Genética Poblacional Humana

This course will cover applied and some theoretical topics in the field of association analysis in large human populations and include substantial hands on statistical programming homework assignments using the R programming language. This includes 1) a brief review of essential terminology and foundational concepts in genetics, probability, statistical inference, and notation as pertains to linear and logistic regression. 2) tests of association with genetic variants and gene based approaches with quantitative and binary outcomes, including covariate and confounder identification and selection approaches 3) quality control methods and visualizations prior to and post association testing 4) foundational population genetic concepts such as linkage disequilibrium, Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium, and how they are relevant for association modeling 5) approaches for robust statistical inference with multiple comparisons.

English Language Writing Clinic

Introducing an English Language Writing Clinic, a biweekly opportunity to enhance your writing skills, share your work, and engage in constructive feedback of academic writing in English. This group activity will be facilitated by Cris Van Hout, native speaker-writer of the English Language.


  • When: Every other Thursday 2-4 pm
  • Where: Salon de Seminarios 2, LIIGH UNAM
  • Who: Writer of all levels are welcome
  • What: Sign up as a writer to volunteer to group edit a piece of your work, alternatively, sign up to contribute to the editing process or to simply observe
  • See the video bulletin board for a QR code link to sign up