PhD Cris Van Hout
Principal Investigator | Investigador Principal
Cris trained at the University of Michigan, graduating with a M.A. in statistics and Ph.D. in Human Genetics, and a thesis focused on the population genomics of the Old Order Amish of Pennsylvania. He took a postdoctoral position at Cornell University with research topics in applied statistical genetics in human and non-model organisms. Over the years, he has worked in industry with over a decade of experience in small biotech and large pharmaceutical companies with projects spanning molecular diagnostics to pre-clinical trial translational and analytical genetics. At the LIIGH, lab projects include two research areas. First, projects that leverage next generation sequencing to characterize and model the consequences of founder and isolate populations on genetic epidemiology. Second, projects that develop and apply statistical and bioinformatic tools to leverage large population studies to better characterize the impact of variation in genes associated with common and rare disease.

Leonardo Hernández Delgado
Undergraduate student | Estudiante de licenciatura
With a background in Neurosciences, Leonardo has applied machine learning and statistical analysis to epidemiological research of cerebrovascular diseases in the Mexican population, pinpointing at the most relevant risk factors for this group of diseases. During this time at the lab, he has also conducted Genetic epidemiology research on an African sub-saharan group for Keloids research, expanding the knowledge for potential therapeutics for this condition. On his free time he enjoys outdoor activities and arts.
- Priscila Duarte (visiting master student) – Costa Rica – Master in Molecular Biology
- Lorena Gutierrez (undergraduate student) – México – Became a IT project manager in P&G
- Xóchiltl Díaz (undergraduate student) – México – She obtained her B.S degree in Genomic Sciences by going to QIMR Australia to study Parkinson’s Disease