International Colloquia
HGS 2016

The purpose of the Meeting is to bring together Scientists at the highest international level with young scientists that have recently been incorporated as researchers into Mexican institutions, or that we expect to incorporate in the near future. This gathering will be a unique experience, joining the holistic view of Senior Scientists with the fresh ideas and talent of Young Scholars. This experience should result in a source of inspiration for young scientists and will certainly enhance the development of genomic sciences in Mexico.
To see the academic program, please click in the image below.
HGS 2017

The purpose of the Meeting is to bring together Scientists at the highest international level with young scientists that have recently been incorporated as researchers into Mexican institutions, or that we expect to incorporate in the near future. This gathering will be a unique experience, joining the holistic view of Senior Scientists with the fresh ideas and talent of Young Scholars. This experience should result in a source of inspiration for young scientists and will certainly enhance the development of genomic sciences in Mexico.
To see the academic program, please click in the image below.
HGS 2018

The purpose of the Meeting is to bring together Scientists at the highest international level with young scientists that have recently been incorporated as researchers into Mexican institutions, or that we expect to incorporate in the near future. This gathering will be a unique experience, joining the holistic view of Senior Scientists with the fresh ideas and talent of Young Scholars. This experience should result in a source of inspiration for young scientists and will certainly enhance the development of genomic sciences in Mexico.
To see the academic program, please click in the image below.